On most Sundays, during our 11am Mass (10 am during the summer), we offer Children's Church for children age 4 to grade 1.
Children are dismissed from Mass after the opening prayer and are taken to another room to experience the Liturgy of the Word.
Here, they listen to the Scriptures and hear an age appropriate homily. They do a simple art activity and have the opportunity to use their own church envelopes for their weekly monetary offering. The children return to their families in church during the offertory and pray with their parish family during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
We are always looking for adults to help with this ministry. For more information call Carol Underwood, 938-2574.
All adult volunteers must comply with the Diocesan Youth Protection policies by obtaining the required background clearances and completing an online Safe Environment program. Call the parish office, 717-266-5286, to begin the process.