The next CCW meeting will be February 12 at 7:00PM.
Holy Infant's Council of Catholic Women (CCW) meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:00PM in the Social Hall. September thru June only.
Current and Upcoming Events
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The National Council of Catholic Women was founded in 1920 at the request of the US Catholic Bishops. The intent was to give women a more unified voice in the Church by uniting groups that were already in existence and to foster new connections.
The Council has responded to the needs of the times through supporting the work of the Church and serving the needs of the community. Fed by the Eucharist and the Word of God, the CCW continues this work today.
At Holy Infant, every woman in the parish is considered a member of Holy Infant's Council of Catholic Women (CCW). It is our hope and mission to support all women in their ministry to their family, and our parish and community.
Regular Meetings - 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:00PM
Bingo meals to support the Knights of Columbus
Koffee Klatch after the 8:00 AM Sunday Mass during the Religious Ed season
Ongoing personal care products collection for "Silence of Mary"
Monthly donations to non-profit organizations
"Boxes of Joy" in conjunction with the Knights of Columbus
Soup sale
Sandwich sales
Sponsored pilgrimages to holy sites
Baptismal, 1st Communion, and Confirmation gifts
Baked goods/meals for various church functions - Vacation Bible School, receptions, BINGO, etc...
Church Building Fund Memorial Contributions
President: Angie Tully
Vice President: Deb Tomczyk
Secretary: Judi Bourque
Treasurer: Vickie Chronister
For more information, contact Angie Tully
cell (717) 395-1528